Monday, April 6, 2009

Daily Zoot - 4/6/09 - National Chip Edit.

The Daily Zoot is all the news you needed to know yesterday, soon

1 Out Of 2: I'll take it!
It does bug me that the one I didn't get was my beloved Huskies, and that I will likely never have another good reason to support Tanzania as wholeheartedly (and what a picture this is). But UNC made it through and they will face Michigan St. in tonight's NCAA Final. I got 50% on Saturday, and I'm feelin' pretty good. I was so bad earlier that this recent hot-streak of mediocrity has actually inflated my mood. I just flew to the middle of the pack. with this renewed blind confidence, here's my pick for tonight's game (based on my picks for Saturday, there's a 50% chance that this is how its going to be)


North Carolina def. Michigan St. 86-67

UNC was the pick to win the national championship before the season, and I think that's where they end up. I think they make a pretty easy day out of it too. People are always looking for comparisons, and there is a pretty good one for this game. We got North Carolina (check) v. Michigan St. (yup) in front of a strong Michigan St. crowd (bingo) on the same ridiculous field (come on, really?). In early December these two teams matched up on Ford Field to test it out before this year's final four. North Carolina whooped Spartans by 35. I know Mich St. didn't have Goran Sutan, but he's not exactly spinach (is that always what Popeye's face looked like? or did he just open the arc of the covenant?) UNC beat them then, and they will beat them, end of story.

But the story doesn't end there, Michigan St. is a different team now than they were back then. They have the entirety of Michigan hanging on their back (which is easy because its shaped like a hand). detroit has been going through some tough times, for sports but especially in the economy, and the city is really enjoying having a run like this. Its like getting fired, dumped, and beat up; but then finding a penny on the sidewalk. Every little bit of hope helps. Unfortunately, for the hopes and dreams of the hopeless and dreamless, I don't think its going to be enough. North Carolina has too many Pros. Each one of their five starters, and a couple on their bench, will at least have a cup of coffee in the league. michigan St. has two or three, tops. 

What I've been trying to avoid, but under relentless pressure have decided to mention, is that these teams share a rare characteristic; a loss to Maryland. Editor's sidenote: I went through something similar to this in 2003 when Syracuse won the national championship, but had been swept in the regular season by UConn. I feel now as I did then, that Maryland automatically should become the national champion. We beat both of them, I mean, what else do you want? And don't say consistent success instead of occasional flashes of brilliance, because that doesn't count and you know it.  We get the surprisingly understated trophyGary gets to keep his job, and Greives Vazquez becomes Commissioner of earth, done and done.

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