Not only does he personally say that he hasn't felt this good swinging a club in 10 years, but even other golfers are starting to feel the effects of a ridiculous return. ESPN talked to 10-year caddie and friend Steve Williams says he's ready to go but needs to get his walking endurance down. In his interview he said that Woods is at 95%, and that "you haven't operated on his heart, and you haven't operated on his head, and that's his best two components." I would've said Ellin Nordegren and his sponsorships pumping him with the best rehab possible were his best two components right now, but maybe that's why I'm not speaking on his behalf.
At already $82,354,376 in just GOLF earnings, we're not even talking marketing ops and sponsorship deals, how much more money can this guy get with a healthy swing? Personally, if you had sat me down and shown me a reel of Tiger's wins and losses across the past few years, I would've never said he was playing poorly; but now? Everyone knows he's got 14 major wins unless you've been hiding under a rock since he made his Jordan-esque rise to ridiculous fame.
This is one to watch folks. Spoil yourselves. Buy a 60" HDTV and get Fios with a DVR. Get ready for his comeback and when the Masters rolls around kick the family out, get enough beer for weeks and get butt-naked; you have 56/60 minutes of golf to watch in supreme awe.
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