-Last Night Stump, a 10-year-old Sussex Spaniel was named Best in Show at Westminster, the oldest dog ever to win that award. Stump is 70 years old in people years, which makes him only 50 in Al Davis Years.
-Brett Favre retired for the second year in a row today. I hope this one sticks. Has anyone had a worse calendar year reputation wise than Favre? When Favre retired last year it was the loss of the greatest qb ever. Now Favre was basically voted off of Tool Academy by the rest of the Jets. Once known for having one of the NFL's strongest, Brett Favre's arm is now a commonly used example of something with poor tensile strength; as in "We overcooked this spaghetti, it's holding up like Brett Favre's arm." The question remains, does he enter the hall as a Falcon or as a Jet?
-I wish there was no steroid controversy. I'm fine with steroids, it's the controversy that kills me. A-Rod did an interview with Peter Gammons this week in which he apologized for using steroids. It felt like I was watching Frost/Nixon. The worst part is that this story will never die. On a side note, looking back, its pretty obvious that everyone was using steroids; Barry Bonds' whole body looks like Popeye's arms.
-Duke v. UNC is tonight, which means Dickie V. will be announcing it on ESPN. This is a friendly reminder to make sure the mute button on your remote is working and that you have backup batteries.
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