The Daily Zoot is all the news you needed yesterday, soon

-Cleveland St. beat #17 Butler in the Horizon Conference Championship game last night, to secure a bid in the big dance. Its big news, because now that Butler has to go into the tournament as an at-large, it takes away a spot from other potential bubble teams *ahem*. Its hard to understand, here's an analogy:
There are five dirty homeless men fighting over two pieces of bread, each hungrier than the last. It's not the best bread in the world; one piece already has a bite mark missing from it and the other has what they pray is jelly on it, but it's all they have. Suddenly, a millionaire walks onto the street. He's coming from a fancy restaurant where he was offered and turned down a free meal. But as Money Bags eyes that sad slice of bread, he feels a rumble in his tummy. So he steps over the homeless men, stepping on their faces with his $600 italian shoes, picks up a piece of the slum-toast and eats. He's full, but is he satisfied? No, not really. He knows he should have just taken the free meal. What about the homeless men? couldn't they have the free meal the millionaire turned down at the fancy restaurant, wouldn't that be fair? No, they don't fit the dress code, that food just gets thrown out, and not in a dumpster where they can find it. They're left to fight for the one remaining slice of bread, and it's the bad one too.
-The Jay Cutler situation in Denver has gone, "from bad to worse." Two weeks ago the Broncos offered Cutler in a trade, and it turns out no one had explained to Cutler that was a thing that happened. He broke down and now he wants a trade out of Denver to a team that will value him more. The whole thing is being handled by Cutler's agency firm; Marbury, Spreewell & Owens.
this was not an upset
ReplyDeletehow can you beat the Netherlands? they have peter pan and rufio.
i'm fairly confident Nether-Netherlands is where the story of peter pan took place. every night i read about it in a history textbook before bedtime. don't question my authoritay.