First let me Welcome Back everyone who was on Spring Break like the Daily Zoot was. Its good to be home.
-I'm not going to even try and write about the NCAA Tournament. How am I a credible source when my bracket's more scratched up than John Daly's face? I tried to handle this bracket with the tender care I always have. I printed it out around 7:00 and took it to a classy restaurant. I pretended to be interested in its stories, and laughed politely at its bad jokes. I analyzed and picked, and I don't normally like to kiss and tell but. . . you know. I felt good, no, I felt great about my bracket. I entered the first weekend of the tournament with the confidence of Charlie Sheen in a room full of skanks. But then *poof*, the rug was pulled out from under me. If I were you, I would stop listening to me about College Basketball. It took only a few bad picks and suddenly I've lost all credibility and relevance. This must be what Nic Cage's Agent feels like.
-Yesterday Defending Champion Japan knocked the USA out of the World Baseball Classic. Japan will take on korea for the championship tonight. It has been three years since Japan won the inaugural classic. Three years seems like an odd number right? They have an odd way of deciding when they happen. It turns out that every year around December Major League Officials head to Milwaukee and drag Bud Selig from the hole he lives in. If he sees his shadow (steroid Allegations) they have a tournament. If not, 6 more weeks of Alex Rodriguez stories.
-Curt Schilling retired from Baseball today. In accordance with his transition to the role of media pariah, he announced his retirement from his blog, evengodwouldfeeluncomfortablejudgingthismuch.com. In his retirement Schilling claimed he had "No Regrets." He also has "No Filter" and "No Idea when to Shut Up." For those of you that haven't been reading his blog, poke around a little bit. Is there anything that has happened in the last four years that you haven't been able to formulate an opinion about? Curt's got you covered, the man has an opinion on everything. Even if you have a pretty good idea of what you believe, you should read what Schil says about it, just to make sure it lines up with the gospel according to Curt. Move over Rabbis, Priests and other leaders of society, it appears the requirements of a moral compass have dropped significantly. But if you think about it, wasn't Curt Schilling pitching with that bloody sock the closest thing we've had to a resurrection since JC? Depends who you ask (Try asking Curt).
that be that zoot